


ビジネス 会話 Announcing a Pay Cut

Useful Expressions

  • The company is in the red.
  • We are forced to impose a salary reduction.
  • We are left with no other option but to impose a salary reduction.
  • We're going to have to cut your pay by...
  • I know this is not the best news.
  • We didn’t take this decision lightly.
  • As soon as we break even, we will get your salaries back to where they were.
  • How big of a reduction are we talking about?
  • How long do you expect this pay cut to last?


  1. We have a definite plan to make that we can recover in three months, so don't worry, your salary will be back to what it was.


  1. drastically-by force, extreme
  2. deficit-shortage
  3. definite-clear




ビジネス 会話 Firing an Employee

Useful Expressions

  • This is not an easy task for me to do.
  • There is no easy way to say this.
  • I'll cut to the chase.
  • I'm really sorry, but we will have to let you go.
  • I'm afraid we will no longer need your services.
  • We have already prepared a letter of recommendation for you.
  • We will give you a severance package.
  • We appreciate the contribution you have made to the company.
  • We appreciate all the hard work you did for us.
  • We wish you well in your future endeavors.


  1. He has to tell James that the company has to let him go.
  2. Considering your performance, though you are doing your job, yet you did not meet the company's expectations.
  3. I called you because I have a bad news. This is not easy for me to say but we have to let you go.


  1. endeavors
  2. severance
  3. compensation


  • I'm afraid we will no longer need your services.

workingとか仕事ぶりって文脈でyour services っていうんやな。



ビジネス 会話 Resigning From a Job

Useful Expressions

  • Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I am leaving the company.
  • I have come to a decision to leave the company.
  • I'd like to give you my two weeks' notice.
  • I'd like to hand in my letter of resignation.
  • I'd like to submit my resignation.
  • I really enjoyed my time working here.
  • I am grateful for all your help and support.
  • I would appreciate/be grateful if you could write a letter of recommendation for me.


  1. She told him that she would be resigning.
  2. Are you sure that you wanted to leave the company?


  1. obligation: an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
  2. resignation: an act of resigning from a job or office.
    • resign: voluntarily leave a job or office.


読み。 - resigning : RE-SAYN-NING - resignation: RE-SIG-NEY-SHEN


  • What is your "dream job"? What is the most appealing thing about that job?

ディスカッションでDream Jobの話をした。いい話だ。


ビジネス 会話 Reprimanding Your Staff

Useful Expressions

  • It's come to my attention that...
  • I am quite disappointed.
  • We are not satisfied with your performance.
  • You can't let your personal life affect your performance.
  • This is not acceptable in our office/team.
  • Such behavior will not be tolerated.
  • You should apologize immediately.
  • You need to keep your composure.
  • Don’t let it happen again.


  1. He lost his temper badly; he shouted at his colleagues.
  2. He called him for an official reprimand and asked him to apologize to the team immediately.
  3. He needs to handle stress better and learn how to keep his composure.


  1. composure: the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.
  2. reprimand: a formal expression of disapproval.
  3. outbursts: a sudden release of strong emotion.


Have you ever been reprimanded? What happened?



ビジネス 会話 Giving Advice to Your Co-Worker

Useful Expressions

  • You should/need to/have to...
  • If I were you, I would...
  • Be more confident!
  • You might want to consider...
  • It might be a good idea to…
  • You could also try...
  • It helps if you...
  • It’s easier if you...
  • Just try not to...
  • Thanks for the pointers/heads-up.


  1. idyllic - charmingly simple and serene
  2. glib - artfully persuasive in speech



  • LIfe gets easy when we think it is easy.
    • いい言葉だ。。。


ビジネス 会話 Getting a Promotion

Useful Expressions

  • You are being considered for a promotion.
  • You have proven yourself to be...
  • We need more people like you.
  • I believe you are the best person for the job.
  • I'd like to offer you the position of...
  • I'm promoting you to...
  • Congratulations, you’ve earned it!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Thank you for recognizing my efforts.
  • I hope I will fulfill your expectations.
  • I will do my best to meet your expectations.
  • I promise I won't let you down.


  • Commission means an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people; task.
  • Higher up the ladder means its usually refers to your position in a company; if your getting a promotion.
  • In no time means a very short interval or period.
  • Considering means to think about carefully; taking into consideration.
  • Deserve means do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment); earn.
  • Recognizing means to acknowledge formally the existence, validity, or legality of.


  1. commissioned
  2. Promotion
  3. expectations
  4. recognizing
  5. higher up the ladder
  6. in no time
  7. proud
  8. considering
  9. deserve





ビジネス 会話 Assigning Tasks

Useful Expressions

  • Could you do this/that?
  • I would like you to do this/that.
  • I need you to do this/that.
  • There’s a new task/project I’m hoping you can take on.
  • Hopefully, we can get this done by the end of the week.
  • We need to have this done by next Monday.
  • Have it in by 5 pm.
  • Please, get started ASAP.
  • Please, prioritize this task.


  1. When I assign tasks, I ask them if they have questions about the tasks I assigned.
  2. If needed, I help the team members with the tasks.


  1. at the latest-expressing deadine
  2. subordinates
  3. collaborate-work together


    1. How would you make sure that your subordinates met deadlines?
      1. To meet the deadline, I check the progress daily. I want to make sure that the project is not delayed.
    1. Do you prefer completing tasks alone or in a team? Why?
      1. Software engineer tasks can be done alone, but I like working with other members. I think we can get better results if more people collaborate.

