



前回の記事(vagrantのVMをpackageを使ってBox化する - ツナワタリマイライフ)でBoxのバージョニングについて知ったので今回は公式ドキュメントを日本語訳してみる。




Since Vagrant 1.5, boxes support versioning. This allows the people who make boxes to push updates to the box, and the people who use the box have a simple workflow for checking for updates, updating their boxes, and seeing what has changed.


If you are just getting started with Vagrant, box versioning is not too important, and we recommend learning about some other topics first. But if you are using Vagrant on a team or plan on creating your own boxes, versioning is very important. Luckily, having versioning built right in to Vagrant makes it easy to use and fit nicely into the Vagrant workflow.


This page will cover how to use versioned boxes. It does not cover how to update your own custom boxes with versions. That is covered in creating a base box.

このページはバージョニングされたboxの使い方を説明します。あなた自身のboxのバージョンの更新方法については説明しません。それはbase boxの作り方のページで説明しています。



vagrant box list only shows installed versions of boxes. If you want to see all available versions of a box, you will have to find the box on HashiCorp's Atlas. An easy way to find a box is to use the url https://atlas.hashicorp.com/$USER/$BOX. For example, for the hashicorp/precise64 box, you can find information about it at https://atlas.hashicorp.com/hashicorp/precise64.

"vagrant box list"コマンドではインストールされたboxのバージョンしか表示しません。もしあなたが利用可能なboxのversionを全て見たい場合は、HashiCorp's Atlasのboxを見ましょう。boxを探す簡単な方法は「https://atlas.hashicorp.com/$USER/$BOX.」というurlを使うことです。例えば、hashicorp/precise64というboxであれば、あなたは「https://atlas.hashicorp.com/hashicorp/precise64.」から情報を得ることができるでしょう。

You can check if the box you are using is outdated with vagrant box outdated. This can check if the box in your current Vagrant environment is outdated as well as any other box installed on the system.

あなたは"vagrant box outdated"を使って使用しているboxが期限切れかどうかを確認できます。これはシステムにインストールされた他のboxも同じようにあなたの現在のvagrant環境のboxが期限切れかどうかを確認できます。

Finally, you can update boxes with vagrant box update. This will download and install the new box. This will not magically update running Vagrant environments. If a Vagrant environment is already running, you will have to destroy and recreate it to acquire the new updates in the box. The update command just downloads these updates locally.

最後に、あなたは"vagrant box update"でboxを更新できます。これは新しいboxをダウンロードしてインストールするでしょう。これは動作しているvagrantの環境が魔法のように更新されるわけではありません。もしvagrantの環境が既に動作しているなら、あなたはboxの更新を破棄して作りなおさなければいけません。updateコマンドは単にローカル環境に更新をダウンロードするだけです。



You can constrain a Vagrant environment to a specific version or versions of a box using the Vagrantfile by specifying the config.vm.box_version option.

あなたはvagrant環境に対して "config.vm.box_version"オプションを使ったVagrantfileを使ってboxのバージョンを制限することができます。

If this option is not specified, the latest version is always used. This is equivalent to specifying a constraint of ">= 0".


The box version configuration can be a specific version or a constraint of versions. Constraints can be any combination of the following: = X, > X, < X, >= X, <= X, ~> X. You can combine multiple constraints by separating them with commas. All the constraints should be self explanatory except perhaps for ~>, known as the "pessimistic constraint". Examples explain it best: ~> 1.0 is equivalent to >= 1.0, < 2.0. And ~> 1.1.5 is equivalent to >= 1.1.5, < 1.2.0.


You can choose to handle versions however you see fit. However, many boxes in the public catalog follow semantic versioning. Basically, only the first number (the "major version") breaks backwards compatibility. In terms of Vagrant boxes, this means that any software that runs in version "1.1.5" of a box should work in "1.2" and "1.4.5" and so on, but "2.0" might introduce big changes that break your software. By following this convention, the best constraint is ~> 1.0 because you know it is safe no matter what version is in that range.


Please note that, while the semantic versioning specification allows for more than three points and pre-release or beta versions, Vagrant boxes must be of the format X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are all positive integers.




Using the Vagrantfile, you can also configure Vagrant to automatically check for updates during any vagrant up. This is enabled by default, but can easily be disabled with config.vm.box_check_update = false in your Vagrantfile.

Vagrantfileを使って、あなたはvagrantに、vagrant upしている間に更新のチェックを自動的にさせることもできます。これはデフォルトで有効になっていますが、config.vm.box_check_update=falseとすることで簡単に無効にできます。

When this is enabled, Vagrant will check for updates on every vagrant up, not just when the machine is being created from scratch, but also when it is resuming, starting after being halted, etc.

これが有効なときは、vagrantvagrant upするごとに更新を確認するでしょう。仮想マシンをゼロから作成したときだけでなく、停止したあと再起動するときも確認します。

If an update is found, Vagrant will output a warning to the user letting them know an update is available. That user can choose to ignore the warning for now, or can update the box by running vagrant box update.


Vagrant can not and does not automatically download the updated box and update the machine because boxes can be relatively large and updating the machine requires destroying it and recreating it, which can cause important data to be lost. Therefore, this process is manual to the extent that the user has to manually enter a command to do it.




Vagrant does not automatically prune old versions because it does not know if they might be in use by other Vagrant environments. Because boxes can be large, you may want to actively prune them once in awhile using vagrant box remove. You can see all the boxes that are installed using vagrant box list.

vagrantは自動的に古いバージョンを取り除きません。他のvagrant環境で使われるかどうかを知らないからです。boxは大きくなるので、あなたは使用しているboxを取り除いて整理するでしょう。"vagrant box list"コマンドを使ってインストールしているboxを全て参照することができます。




