


ビジネス 電話応対 Accepting a Job Offer


  1. It will be an honor to work with you.
  2. I am eager to start working with you.


  1. honor: high respect; great esteem.
  2. eager: strongly wanting to do or have something.
  3. pursue: follow or chase (someone or something).

Useful Expressions

  • I was hoping to hear from you.
  • Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
  • I am looking forward to working with you.
  • It will be an honor to work with you.
  • I am eager to start working with you.


  • I can start next month. / onとかいらない
  • I can start on October 1st. / on いる
  • Depends on situation: 状況によるよね、言いたかった、調べた
  • dream job: 理想的な仕事みたいな。へーって思った。



  • What do you consider before accepting a job offer? Why?
    • salary, working environment, whether if I can grow みたいなことを答えた気がする
  • What do you look forward to, when joining a new company?
    • to have new experience
  • What is your dream job? Why?

今の職場に満足してるよって話をした。to work abroadは目指さんの?って聞かれてできたらいいねとも話した。