

LEARN ENVOY - Getting Started / Getting Help

www.envoyproxy.io 困ったときログレベル変えられるようにしとこうと。 これね。 -l <string>, --log-level <string> --log-path <path string> 何をいれりゃいいんだと思って、envoy の help みる。 root@d21849f0ad80:/# envoy -h USAGE: envoy [--disable-extensions <string>] [--use-fake-sym</string></path></string></string>…

LEARN ENVOY - Getting Started / Routing Basics

www.envoyproxy.io Routing components Route A route is a set of rules that match virtual hosts to clusters and allow you to create traffic shifting rules. Routes are configured either via static definition, or via the route discovery servic…

LEARN ENVOY - Getting Started / On Your Laptop

www.envoyproxy.io 動かした。つまりこういうこと。 補足 service[12]-container において、envoy process と flask process の group は表現できなかった なんか最初の user -> front-envoy のフローで http スキーマのあとの // が消えて斜線になってしま…

Service 間通信を Envoy 経由で行い、Metrics を取得する

はじめに 現職では Application は すべて Kubernetes 上で動いている。その場合、インターネットからの通信経路は以下のようになる。 Internet -> Reverse Proxy(Nginx) -> Service Router(Nginx) -> Kubernetes Service -> Pod で、後半の Service Router …


雑感。 まぁ目標は数ヶ月でなかったことになるよね。そうならないようにクォータごとに振り返りしたらいいんでないかと思うけどそれもなされないままでした。 オライリーSafari はやめちゃったし、健康面は無限に太ったままだし、お金も無限に使っているまま…


前回 blog.chaspy.me いつも通りシュッと書く。 この1年を見返すと、「まぁまぁたいていの仕事は1人でできるようになった」「改善や新しい仕組みの導入もできた」「オンボーディングやExperience mapなどチーム視点での取組もできた」でまぁ60点といったとこ…

July Tech Festa 2019 で登壇した

はじめに した。 オンボーディングのひろげかた 昨年の12月にはじめたオンボーディングが、1年という期間を経て、Quipper の文化として十分定着したと言える状態になったと思う。それまでの旅路を、いままで Blog や登壇でしてきたものも含めて、シメること…

Production Engineer

SRECon みてると「Production Engineer」という Role で登場するひとがまぁまぁいて、まぁ本番環境で Operation をしうるひとで、SREもうそうっちゃそうなんだろうなあと思いつつ、どういう Role なのかを調べてみる。 SRECon EMEA 2019 www.usenix.org Prod…

Unicorn の Metrics

Rails で使われているアプリケーションサーバ、Unicorn。 bogomips.org Master Process から fork して Worker Process が実際の処理を行う。 Unicorn Worker Killer 一定回数以上リクエストがくるか、一定量以上のメモリを使用した場合、Worker Process を…


会話 自信を持って話そう At a Coffee Shop 7 Advanced わからなかった単語 Keep the change: An instruction to a taxi driver, waiter etc. to keep the change from the amount handed over as a tip $9.90 - nine dollarS and ninety cents 感想 なんか…


会話 自信を持って話そう Shopping 7 Advanced わからなかった単語 costume noun a set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period. alligator noun a large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broa…


ビジネス 会話 Announcing a Pay Cut Useful Expressions The company is in the red. We are forced to impose a salary reduction. We are left with no other option but to impose a salary reduction. We're going to have to cut your pay by... I kno…


ビジネス 会話 Firing an Employee Useful Expressions This is not an easy task for me to do. There is no easy way to say this. I'll cut to the chase. I'm really sorry, but we will have to let you go. I'm afraid we will no longer need your se…


ビジネス 会話 Resigning From a Job Useful Expressions Unfortunately, I have to tell you that I am leaving the company. I have come to a decision to leave the company. I'd like to give you my two weeks' notice. I'd like to hand in my letter…


ビジネス 会話 Reprimanding Your Staff Useful Expressions It's come to my attention that... I am quite disappointed. We are not satisfied with your performance. You can't let your personal life affect your performance. This is not acceptabl…


ビジネス 会話 Giving Advice to Your Co-Worker Useful Expressions You should/need to/have to... If I were you, I would... Be more confident! You might want to consider... It might be a good idea to… You could also try... It helps if you... …


ビジネス 会話 Getting a Promotion Useful Expressions You are being considered for a promotion. You have proven yourself to be... We need more people like you. I believe you are the best person for the job. I'd like to offer you the positio…


ビジネス 会話 Assigning Tasks Useful Expressions Could you do this/that? I would like you to do this/that. I need you to do this/that. There’s a new task/project I’m hoping you can take on. Hopefully, we can get this done by the end of the…


ビジネス 会話 Welcoming a New Employee Useful Expressions Welcome aboard! Welcome to your new office. We have been looking forward to your arrival. How do you feel on your first day here? Let me show you around. Let me take you to your off…


ビジネス 会話 Asking Your Co-Worker for Help Useful Expressions Do you have a spare moment? Do you have some free time? Could you give me a hand? Could you help me out with something? Could you do me a favor? I could use some help with thi…


ビジネス 会話 Expressing an Opinion Useful Expressions Asking for an Opinion What do you think? Care to share your opinion? What are your thoughts on this? What do you make of this? What is your take/stand on this? Stating an Opinion Perso…


ビジネス 会話 Describing a Product Useful Expressions Asking About a Product What can you tell us about this model/product? What are the specifications of the product? What features does it have? How does it work? What is the difference be…


ビジネス 会話 Showing Interest and Appreciation レッスンで使われたセンテンス KEY EXPRESSIONS Showing Interest How's your day going so far? Has your day been busy so far? What are you working on? How is it coming along? I think you did a ni…


ビジネス 会話 Making an Apology レッスンで使われたセンテンス He got caught up with another task on Friday, and then, he had to deal with some personal matters during the weekend. I will prioritize my work. レッスンで使われた単語 caught pri…


ビジネス 電話応対 Making an Appointment Useful Expressions I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. When would you be available? Are you available on Tuesday? Would that be ok for you? Is Wednesday convenient for you? Would that sui…


ビジネス 電話応対 Giving Directions to the Office レッスンで使われたセンテンス Go straight ahead. Take a left/right/U-turn. Can you see a supermarket up ahead/on your right/on your left/behind you? Walk straight till you see... You will no…


ビジネス 電話応対 Dealing With a Wrong Number レッスンで使われたセンテンス I don't have the opportunity to take calls. inconvenience [ in-kuh n-VEEN-yuh ns ] Who was Mr. Abbott trying to reach? ==> He was trying to get in contact with his …


ビジネス 電話応対 Accepting a Job Offer レッスンで使われたセンテンス It will be an honor to work with you. I am eager to start working with you. レッスンで使われた単語単語 honor: high respect; great esteem. eager: strongly wanting to do or…


ビジネス 電話応対 Making a Reservation レッスンで使われたセンテンス It is important to make a reservation to make sure that a table is ready and available. make sure 確実にするという意図で自分で調べて使った。覚えたい。 make a reservation、…


ビジネス/電話応対 Asking for Information レッスンで使われたセンテンス He was interested in buying one of their new product. He called to inquire about the features of a new product. I'd like to order some tables and chairs. レッスンで使わ…